S&dB will give a presentation during CropIB in Ghent

S&dB is selected to present our SET, seed-embedding technology, during the CropIB Conference in Ghent (Belgium) next month.

On March 24-26, 2024 the International CROP Innovation & Business (CropIB) conference will take place in Ghent, Belgium.

This conference brings together breeding-, AgBio- and AgTech companies, academics, regulatory- and intellectual property experts from the international agri-food industry to discuss innovations and solutions for the challenges in agriculture and horticulture

For the 13th time, more than 200 international participants will gather for a three-day conference that focuses on the use of new technologies for breeding innovative crops.

As part of the program on Monday, academic institutes and startups will get the possibility to pitch their innovative technology, -service or -product to the audience from the international agri-food industry. S&dB will make use of this opportunity to introduce our technology.


About CropIB

The international conference that combines science, technology innovation, and business in the field of plant breeding and innovative crops.
